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Tampilkan postingan dengan label ALAT UJI TANAH. Tampilkan semua postingan

Rabu, 22 Agustus 2018

Jual Speedy Moisture Tester Di Semarang

Jual Speedy Moisture Tester Di Semarang

Jual Speedy Moisture Tester Di Semarang

AASHTO T-217    
Consist of :    
Speedy Gauge  1 pc
M/C range 0-20 %, sens. : 0.2 %,    
sample weight 20 gr.    
Speedy Balance 1 pc
Brass beam, Cast alumunium frame,    
10 gr counter balance.    
Calcium Carbide 1 can
Calcium Carbide.    
Measuring Spoon 1 pc
Cast Alumunium.    
Crushing Ball  2 pcs
Steel ball.    
Cleaning Brush 1 pc
Wooden/plastic Holder.    
Carrying Case 1 pc
Wooden case with handle.    

Senin, 23 Juli 2018

Jual Sand Cone Test Set Di Semarang - Grosir Alat teknik Sipil Di Semarang

Jual Sand Cone Test Set Di Semarang - Grosir Alat teknik Sipil Di Semarang

Jual Sand Cone Test Set Di Semarang 

ASTM D-1556  /  AASHTO T-191
Consist of :
Sand Cone Bottle1pc
Plastic, 4 ltr. cap. approx.
Sand Cone Funnel1pc
Seamless metal, turning stopper,
6 1/2" dia bottom, 1/2 neck dia.
Base Plate1pc
Cast alumunium, 12" x 12".
Graduated Sand1zak
Uncemented sand, passing # 10,
retained # 60, 25 kg capacity.
Sample Can6pcs
Round can, tinned metal.
Cast alumunium.
Stainless steel.
Pointed type.
Hardened type.
Rubber Mallet1pc
Wooden handle, 0,5 kg weigth

Jual Combination Permeater Di Semarang - Grosir Alat Teknik Sipil Di Semarang

Jual Combination Permeater Di Semarang - Grosir Alat Teknik Sipil Di Semarang

Jual Combination Permeater Di Semarang

ASTM D-2434  /  AASHTO T-215
Consist of :
Sample Chamber1set
Transparent fibre glass, 2 1/2" i.d,
8" height, compessive spring, cast
alumunium body.
Plastic, wide mouth, with over flow.
Porous Stone2pcs
2 1/2" diameter.
50 ml capacity.
Graduated Cylinder1pc
100 ml capacity.
Stop Watch1pc
60 sec sweep.

Jual Labolatory Cbr Test Set Di Makassar - Grosri Alat teknik Sipil Di Makassar

Jual Labolatory Cbr Test Set Di Makassar - Grosri Alat teknik Sipil Di Makassar

Jual Labolatory Cbr Test Set Di Makassar

Consist of :
Electrical Loading Machine1set
Electric, 220 V-AC, 1/2 HP, 1 Phase,
speed 0.05"/min reversing switch
10.000 lbs capacity.
CBR Mold3pcs
Machine steel, 6" i.d, 7" height,
2" height of collar.
Spacer Dish1pc
Machine steel, 5 15/16" dia, 2.416" height.
Cutting Edge1pc
Machine steel, sharp edge.
Circular Surcharge Weight3pcs
Machine steel, 5 7/8" dia 5 lbs weight.
Slotted Surcharge Weight3pcs
Machine steel, 5 7/8" dia 5 lbs weight.
Modified Proctor Hammer1pc
Machine steel, plated, 18" drop height,
10 lbs weight.
Swell Plate1pc
Swell Tripot1pc
Filter Paper1box
6" dia., 100 sheets/box.
Proving Ring1set
6.000 lbs capacity.
Dial Indicator1pc
Range 0.01" x 1".
Square Pan1pc
Galvanized steel, 65 x 65 x 7.5 cm.
Thin Box12pcs
Alumunium, 60 gr capacity.
Graduated Cylinder1pc
Plastic, 1000 ml capacity.
Cast alumunium.
Pointed type.
Straight Edge1pc
300 mm length.

Jual Compaction Test Set Di Semarang - Grosir Alat Teknik Sipil Di semarang

Jual Compaction Test Set Di Semarang - Grosir Alat Teknik Sipil Di semarang

Jual Compaction Test Set Di Semarang

Consist of :
Standard Proctor Mold1pc
Machine steel, plated, 4" i.d.,
4.584" height, 2" height of collar.
Modified Proctor Mold1pc
Machine steel, plated, 6" i.d.,
4.584" height, 2" height of collar.
Standard Proctor Hammer1pc
Machine steel, plated, 12" drop height,
5,5 lbs weight.
Modified Proctor Hammer1pc
Machine steel, plated, 18" drop height,
10 lbs weight.
Steel frame, hydraulic jack.
Square Pan1pc
Galvanized steel 65 x 65 x 7.5 cm.
Thin Box12pcs
Alumunium, 60 gr capacity.
Graduated Cylinder1pc
Plastic, 1.000 ml capacity.
Cast Alumunium.
Pointed type.
Straight Edge1pc
30 cm length.
Rubber Mallet1pc
Wooden handle.
Steel Wire Brush1pc
Wooden handle.